Keep all essential information in one place. Finally, you can find other digital planners & notebooks, Kawaii Digital Stickers and digital templates, like this Free digital planner GoodNotes 2021 with us. On the top left of the screen, you will see a plus sign. Images … Download your Goodnotes templates by clicking on the button below. Can anyone recommend a good reading journal template they’re using or have available, ideally free? I’ve tried looking and can’t find anything, I understand they’re not super common so perhaps you may know of a template which you think could also function as a reading journal. This planner … Description: 90-Day Gratitude Digital Journal (Dark Theme) for Goodnotes, Notability, Noteshelf, Xodo and similar note-taking apps for iPad and Android tablets. 177 Digital Stickers, thank you cards for business Png, Goodnotes Planner, Note Page Kit, free invitations templates edit with Canva.

This is a free 10-page manifestation journal to help you manifest money.

To make an exercise journal, you have 3 options. We offer a 100-day warranty for Paperlike products.
With The Literary Lifestyle’s Reading Journal: The digital wedding planner template has links to each page and works with a PDF annotation app such as Goodnotes or Noteshelf. Next tap (and hold for a few seconds) to open the edit panel, where you click Copy. Load your chosen design into your dashboard and feel free to add in your personal touches.